Client: Tyréns
Agency assignment: Tyréns is active in civil engineering and, thanks to its form of ownership, has unique conditions to conduct an active research and development program. The foundation-owned company reinvests large parts of its profits in research and development to find solutions in all its areas of operation. We developed the concept “Visions of the Future” which is a way of talking about the research conducted by Tyréns and the social problems they strive to solve. A series of advertisements was produced where each advertisement deals with a research project. For each project, we also produced a podcast where you can become more familiar with the project and the researchers who run it.
The campaign gives a conceptual face to Tyrén’s forward-looking research. Each advertisement is shaped as a “future vision” based on Tyrén’s various research projects. In the image solutions, the projects are represented by an illustrated wire model that lies as a layer over the image. The combination of a personal appeal and a high-tech setting creates an emotional basis for telling more about the foundation’s research.
For those who then want to delve deeper, the opportunity to dive deep into each project is offered via a podcast. Overall, the image of Tyréns is conveyed as a mission-driven company with a great conscience that is far ahead in research and development.